Insomniacs looking for a good night’s sleep may want to hit the treadmill, take a walk or play a game of golf or tennis because a new report released on Monday shows exercise promotes good sleep and the more vigorous the workout the better.
Just 10 minutes of exercise a day could make a difference in the duration and quality of sleep, the survey by the non-profit National Sleep Foundation showed.
Some words sound so similar, it's easy to confuse or misuse them when writing.
Computer spell check won't catch these mistakes!
affect / effect
I'm sure it's happened toyou: You're in a tense team meeting trying to defend your position on a bigproject and start to feel yourself losing ground. Your voice gets louder. Youtalk over one of your colleagues and correct his point of view. He pushes back,so you go into overdrive to convince everyone you're right. It feels like anout of body experience — and in many ways it is. In terms of itsneurochemistry, your brain has been hijacked.
In situations of highstress, fear or distrust, the hormone and neurotransmitter cortisol floods thebrain. Executive functions that help us with advanced thought processes likestrategy, trust building, and compassion shut down. And the amygdala, ourinstinctive brain, takes over. The body makes a chemical choice about how bestto protect itself — in this case from the shame and loss of power associatedwith being wrong — and as a result is unable to regulate its emotions or handlethe gaps between expectations and reality. So we default to one of fourresponses: fight (keep arguing the point), flight (revert to, and hide behind,group consensus), freeze (disengage from the argument by shutting up) orappease (make nice with your adversary by simply agreeing with him).
很多講中文夾著英文,連廣告裡也是。麥當勞的I'm loving it!. 幾年前塑身廣告Trust me, you can make it.
1、Think different vs. Think differently
Dutch scientists have developed the world’s smallest autonomous flapping drone,
a dragonfly-like beast with 3-D vision that could revolutionise