1. 求職面試
a. 求職面談中對雇方的問題
Whats the salary? 薪水有多少
Is it salaried or hourly? 固定薪水還試算時薪?
Is it part-time or full-time? 是兼職還是全職?
What are the benefits? 有哪些福利?
Do I get insurance? 有員工保險嗎?
What would be expected of me? 你們對我有哪些期望?
What are you looking for 你們期望找到什麼樣的員工?
b. 求職面談中對前來應徵者的問題
What are your qualifications? 你有哪些學經歷?
What is your degree in? 你主修什麼?
Where did you go to school? 你是哪裡畢業的?
What sort of salary do you expect? 你期望拿到多少薪水?
Let me see your resume/ Let me see your dossier 讓我看看你的履歷
Let me see your references 讓我看看你的推薦信
Do you have a portfolio? 你有帶作品集嗎?
Why did you leave your last job? 你為什麼會離開上一份工作?
We will call you if we need you我們會在打電話通知你
c. 求職者對人事經理的要求
I want to fill out an insurance form 我要填寫保險單
I want to change my insurance coverage 我想要變更我的保險
I want to change my withholding 我想要變更我的預扣稅
I want to schedule my vacation days for this year 我想要預定我今年年假的日期
d. 雇員對人事經理的要求
I’d like to set up a training session for my department 我想要為我的部門舉辦一次員工訓練
I’d like to book the audio/visual room for today 我想要預定今天的視訊會議室
I’d like to schedule a meeting in the conference room 我想要預定今天的會議室
I’d like some information on the alcohol awareness program 我想要一些關於毒品課程的資料
I’d like to take a leave of absence 我想要請假
e. 宣稱自己的能力
I wrote the book on that 我寫了這方面的書
I know it like a book 我對這方面知之甚詳
I know it like the back of my hand 我對它瞭落指掌
I know whereof I speak 我知道自己在說什麼
I know it backwards and forwards 我清楚其中一切來龍去脈
I am an old hand at this 這方面我是老手了
The stories I could tell you 我多的是故事可以說
2. 維持工作
a. 讚美員工
Good work 做的很好
Nice work/ Nice job 做的很好
Keep up the good work 繼續維持下去
I ‘ve been hearing some good things about you 我聽到不少關於你的好話
You keep this up and you are going to get a raise 繼續維持下去,我們會給你加薪的
b. 說明自己新工作上遭遇問題的原因
I am sorry, I’ve never done this before 很抱歉,我之前沒有做過類似的工作
This is all so new to me/ I am new at this 我在這方面是新手
I’ll get onto this yet 我遲早會熟練起來
c. 鼓勵某人繼續努力工作
you’ll get the hang of it eventually 你遲早會摸到訣竅的
You’ll get the knack of it 你遲早會找到門路的
You’ll pick it up as you go along 邊做邊學,總會上手
You’ll learn more as you go along 繼續做下去,你會學到更多
3. 工作會議
a. 會議程序用語
I’d like to call the meeting to order 我在此宣布會議開始
This meeting is called to order 會議開始
Will the clerk please read the minutes of the last meeting? 麻煩請書記宣讀上次會議記錄
I move that the minutes be approved 我提議通過會議記錄
The chair recognizes Mr.Smith 本次會議由史密斯先生擔任主席
Please address the chair 請先向主席報告
You’re out of order 你違反程序了
b. 提出動議
I’d like to make a motion 我要提出動議
I’d like to move that we accept the proposal 我提議接受該項提案
I move that we accept the proposal 我提議接受該項提案
Please confine your remarks to the motion before us 請你針對動議發言
I move to table the motion 我提議暫時擱置本項動議
c. 協商過程用語
Hear me out 讓我把話說完
I am willing to hear you out 我願聞其詳
Try to avoid a no-win situation 試者避免兩敗俱傷的局面
Lets try for a win-win situation 試者找到一個雙贏的局面
We’re willing to compromise 我們願意讓步
We have a proposal 我們有一個提議
Lets cut to the chase 咱們言歸正傳吧
That item is not negotiable 那沒有協商的餘地
That is unacceptable 那令人無法接受
We’ve hit a stumbling block 我們遇到大障礙了
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