Sanrio, the Japanese company behind Hello Kitty, revealed that
despite looking like a cat, the global icon of cute is actually a female
called Kitty White.
- Jun 01 Wed 2016 17:24
嘎15公分!? 網路爆紅影片中憤怒的小女孩 拒絕接受凱蒂貓是人
- May 31 Tue 2016 04:12
勸世! 英文名句分享
1. Great minds think alike. 英雄所見略同。
2. God's mill grinds slow but sure. 善有善報,惡有惡報;不是不報,時候未到.
- May 30 Mon 2016 22:10

引用自: forum=35
- May 29 Sun 2016 13:01
- May 29 Sun 2016 05:20
英文補習班也不會教...= 英語多益通= 看機場公告突破多益重圍
- May 28 Sat 2016 17:56
Swatch has published a version of its annual report in the Swiss-German dialect for which there is no standard written form, the latest act of rebellion from the watchmaker which has long enjoyed provoking the Swiss business establishment.
The move to publish in dialect rather than standard German - one of Switzerland’s four official languages including French and Italian in which the report was also issued - was meant to underpin Swatch Group SA’s Swiss roots and values, Chief Executive Nick Hayek told a media conference.
- May 23 Mon 2016 21:51
神回覆! 美而無德猶如花之無香
- May 22 Sun 2016 17:41
戰鬥民族的秘密? 大型小行星朝地球而來?NASA:只能祈禱
Nasa chief Charles Bolden has advice on how to handle a large asteroid headed toward New York City: Pray.
That’s about all the United States - or anyone for that matter - could do at this point about unknown asteroids and meteors that may be on a collision course with Earth, Bolden told lawmakers at a U.S. House of Representatives Science Committee hearing on Tuesday.
- May 22 Sun 2016 13:16
A West Haven, Conn., Dunkin’ Donuts employee didn’t take too kindly to an attempted robbery. Rather than fork over the contents of her register, the young woman struck back, throwing hot coffee in the would-be crook’s face and forcing him to bid a hasty retreat.
The worker, identified only as Angelica, threw a cup and then a pot of coffee at the man after he tried to force his way through the drive-through window of the West Haven branch of the fast-food chain.
- May 22 Sun 2016 07:58
坑爹!! 「少女時代」Jessica 的真情告白
- May 20 Fri 2016 01:28
牛逼!! Thank you已過時,表達感謝該怎麼說?
- May 17 Tue 2016 17:52
最新/ 溫暖的待用咖啡
- May 17 Tue 2016 09:29
求解![ 學英文 ] 第二講 改變傳統的記憶方法 (二)
- May 15 Sun 2016 03:13
神準! 出國玩想搶便宜 一定要會的英文單字
- May 12 Thu 2016 19:16
(-_-)《中英好文》 印度億萬富翁分享財富動作慢半拍
They may build skyscraper mansions, travel by private jet and throw sumptuous wedding parties, but it seems India’s super-rich are much slower at opening their wallets for charity.
India now has 55 dollar billionaires, the fifth-biggest number in the world, according to a Forbes ranking this month.
- May 11 Wed 2016 02:36
別再沒腦亂噴嚕! 故宮出國展覽!「翠玉白菜」跟「肉形石」的英文怎麼說?
- May 08 Sun 2016 03:07
求解! 把别人看得太重,结果在别人眼裡自己什麼都不是。
- May 06 Fri 2016 08:24
(-_-) 把不能/只能用於否定句的字
- May 05 Thu 2016 07:02
是想嚇死誰啊? 把碳封存在地下的方法
- May 05 Thu 2016 04:18
- May 03 Tue 2016 15:40
有事嗎?NEW新聞!!106學年起 學測國、英將納高三上課程
- May 02 Mon 2016 14:35
戰鬥民族的秘密? 陣亡陸戰隊員的家屬領養他的軍犬
A Texas couple has adopted a bomb-sniffing dog that was with their Marine son when he was killed in Afghanistan.
- May 01 Sun 2016 20:31
38歲女3hr要4次? How to Make Space for Social Media 如何創造你的媒體社群優勢
Few professionals weresitting at their desks in 2004, eyeing the empty slots in their calendars andwishing that somebody would just invent a new way of communicating to fillthose long and lonely minutes. People's calendars were already full.
Social media demandedattention. It had to be put into the rotation, but that doesn't mean we tooksomething else off our calendars to accommodate it. Instead we just added it tothe marketing teams' tasks, challenging them to figure it out until they couldmake a business case for hiring full-time social media staffers.
- May 01 Sun 2016 15:13
就連ㄈㄈ尺也... 研究顯示,莎士比亞是冷酷商人
New research depicts William Shakespeare as a grain hoarder, moneylender and tax dodger who became a wealthy businessman during a time of famine.
Academics from Aberystwyth University in Wales combed through historical archives to uncover details of the playwright’s parallel life as a merchant and property owner whose practices sometimes brought him into conflict with the law.
- May 01 Sun 2016 04:05
太神奇了!! 無尾熊抱樹降體溫