1. 表達對某人的支持

I’ll stand by you 我會站在你這邊

I am standing behind you 我會在後面挺你

I am 100% behind you 我百分之百支持你

You can count on me/ You can lean on me你可以靠我

You can trust me 你可以信任我


If there’s anything I can do to help,please let me know 如果有任何我可以幫忙的地方,請告訴我

I am here if you need me 如果需要我,我隨時可以提供協助

I’ll always to be there for you 我會永遠支持你

I’ll take the rap 我來承擔責任

3. 表達對某人的信任

I have faith in you 我對你有信心

I have complete faith in you 我對你完全信任

I have faith in you  我對你有信心

4. 表達鼓勵

Go on; you can do it! 繼續下去你一定做的到

Just one more 再來一次

Give it your best shot 盡量去嘗試

Give it your best 盡力去做

Keep your nose to the grindstone 再接再厲

Hang in there 堅持下去


Take things as they come/ Take it as itcomes 一切順其自然

Take it one day at a time/ Take things oneday at a time 一次做一件事就好

Time will tell 時間會證明一切

Rome wasn’t built in a day 羅馬不是一天造成的

Good things come to him who waits 有志者事竟成

Patience is a virtue 耐心是美德

Everything will come together 萬物皆有所終

In the long haul, it will all work out 最終都會獲得解決

It aint over till its over 船到橋頭自然直

6. 給那些疲於奔命的人勸告

You cant please everybody 你無法取悅每個人

You cant be all things to all people 你無法面面俱到

You’re burning the candle at both ends 你就好比蠟燭兩頭燒

You are taking too many things on 你攬太多事情在身上了

You need to set your priorities 你必須注意輕重緩急

7. 提醒對方保守秘密

Better keep quite about it/ Better keepstill about it 口風最好緊一點

Keep it to yourself 自己知道就好

Don’t breathe a word of this to anyone 不要向他人透漏隻字片語

Don’t let this go any further 這個秘密就到此為止

This is for your eyes only 這秘密只讓你知道而已

This is not for public knowledge 這秘密不能公開談論


●好書推薦 冰人奧茲的詛咒:人類神秘現象未解之謎

●什麼是 以英語為第二語言或外語?- 維基百科

    創作者 秀賢小妹 的頭像


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