1. Educationand intelligence accomplish nothing without action.(沒有行動即使在聰明也無法成就任何事情)
It doesn’t matter if you have agenius IQ and a PhD in Quantum Physics, you can’t change anything or make anysort of real-world progress without taking action. (不論你有多聰明及學歷多高,只要你不去行動,你無法改變任何事情及為社會創造價值)
2. Happinessand success are two different things.(幸福跟成功是不同的兩件事)
“What will make me happy?” and “What willmake me successful?” are two of the most important questions you can askyourself. But they are two different questions.(什麼事情會讓我快樂?什麼事情會讓我成功?這兩個重要問題你可以問問你自己,但記住這是兩個完全不同的問題,勿混淆在一起。
3. Everyoneruns their own business.(每個人都需要對自己負責)
No matter how you make a living orwho you think you work for, you only work for one person, yourself.(無論你靠什麼生存或是你幫誰工作,記住你只為你自己一個人負責)
4. Havingtoo many choices interferes with decision making.(過多的選擇只會阻礙你的抉擇)
Several business and marketingstudies have shown that the more product choices a consumer is faced with, the lessproducts they typically buy. After all, narrowing down the best productfrom a pool of three choices is certainly a lot easier than narrowing down thebest product from a pool of three hundred choices. (許多的商業及行銷研究指出過多的產品選擇只會讓消費者購買的機會減少。畢竟,從三個東西中挑選出一個最好的比起從上百個東西挑選出一個最好的簡單許多!)
5. Allpeople possess dimensions of success and dimensions of failure.(人們太執著於衡量成功及失敗)
Trying to be perfect is a waste oftime and energy. Perfection is an illusion.(總是追求完美是一件浪費時間和精力的事情,完美主義只是一個錯誤的觀念)
6. Everymistake you make is progress.(失敗為成功之母)
Mistakes teach you importantlessons. Every time you make one, you’re one step closer to yourgoal. The only mistake that can truly hurt you is choosing to do nothingsimply because you’re too scared to make a mistake. (錯誤往往會讓你學到教訓,每次失敗會讓你更接近你的目標。真正會讓你受傷的是因為你害怕失敗結果什麼都不做)
7. Peoplecan be great at doing things they don’t like to do.(即使事情是你不喜歡的,你仍有可能把它做好)
Just realize that if someonededicates enough time and attention to perfecting a skill or trade, they can beinsanely good at doing something they don’t like to do.(只要你體認到如果你花夠多的時間及專注力在一件技術及職業上,有可能會讓你變得超乎你預期的好)
8.Theproblems we have with others are typically more about us.(其實很多問題的根本都是來自於自己)
Quite often, the problems we have withothers – our spouse, parents, siblings, etc. – don’t really have much to dowith them at all. Because many of the problems we think we have with themwe subconsciously created in our own mind. (常常我們與其他人間的問題原因都不是在他人身上,而是來自於我們潛意識所創造出來的問題)
9. Emotional decisions are rarely good decisions.(情緒化的決定通常都不是好的決策)The best advice here issimple: Don’t let your emotions trump your intelligence. Slow downand think things through before you make any life-changing decisions.(一個簡單的忠告:切勿讓你的情緒戰勝你的智慧。在下任何會改變你的生命決定前,請先三思而後行)
10. You willnever feel 100% ready when an opportunity arises.(你永遠不會在機會出現時是完全準備好的)Just remember that significant moments ofopportunity for personal growth and development will come and go throughoutyour lifetime. If you are looking to make positive changes in your lifeyou will need to embrace these moments of opportunity even though you willnever feel 100% ready for them.(請記住,人生中時常會有讓你更人成長及發展的機會出現,即使你沒有完全準備好但是你卻認為這是個可以改變你人生的機會,那你就擁抱它吧!)
文章來源: http://www.marcandangel.com/2011/01/10/10-simple-truths-smart-people-forget/
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