I’d like you to meet my friend xxx 我想介紹我朋友xxx給你認識
This is my friend xxx 這是我的朋友xxx
Do you two know each other? 你們兩個彼此認識嗎?
Have you met? 你們認識嗎?
Have you two been introduced? 你們兩個彼此介紹過了嗎?
Havent you been introduced? 你們彼此介紹過了吧?
Mary, John is the guy I was telling youabout. 瑪麗,約翰就是我一直跟你提起的那個人
You two have a lot in common. 你們兩個有很多共通之處
2. 當你背介紹給某人時
Good to meet you/ Nice to meet you/ Nicemeeting you 很高興認識你
How nice to meet you. / How very nice tomeet you. / What a pleasure to meet you. 非常高興認識你(正式用語)
3. 介紹完之後
Ive been wanting to meet you for some time.我一直想找機會認識你
John has told me so much about you 約翰已經告訴我許多有關你的事
I’ve heard so much about you 我久仰你的大名
I ‘ve heard so much about you if I feel Iknow you already. 我已久仰大名, 因此感覺我們早已認識
I didn’t catch your name. I am terrible atnames. 我沒聽清楚你的名字,我不太會記名字.
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